By means of this warning, ROSALIA AREAS TOBA (from now on the INCUMBENT), with domicile in the Lugar de Lires, 5 - 15270 Cee (A Coruña), inform to the users of the website about his PRIVACY POLICY And DATA PROTECTION OF PERSONAL CHARACTER.

In fulfillment of the Law 15/1999, of 13 December, of Data protection of Personal Character, informs  that the data of personal character that, in his case, are facilitated by the users through the present web site, will include in the files of corresponding personal data whose manager is the INCUMBENT. Likewise, in case to fill up any one of the forms with the personal data requested and accept his sending, AUTHORISES ON PURPOSE when INCUMBENT so that it treat and incorporate in the file automated of his property those personal data facilitated, as well as all the data that generate  in relation with his participation and/or use of the distinct services that offer or could offer in this website.

In the case that in the forms included data of personal character referents to distinct physical people of who effects the application, will have to this last inform to said people of the extremes contained in the present document.

Except that specifically it establish the contrary, will consider necessary complete all the data of the fields of each form, owing the user fill up the forms with true data, exact, complete and up to date. The user will be the only responsible of any damage or damage, direct or indirect, that could ocasionar when INCUMBENT or to any third owing to the cumplimentación of the forms with false data, inaccurate, incomplete or no up to date. In such sense, the user guarantees that the personal data in his case facilitated are truthful and does responsible to communicate when INCUMBENT any modification in the same.

The collected and treatment automated of the personal data of the user has like purpose provide a half of contact between the users and the INCUMBENT through the web page, as well as the management of appointments and queries.

In case that the INCUMBENT loaned some type of special service in which it determine some different specific forecasts to these regarding the personal data protection, will have primacy the application of the particular norms indicated for this service in particular above the present, in case of incongruence.

The data facilitated never will be used for distinct purpose to the previously described, being immediately cancelled when they leave to be necessary for such end.

All the relative information to Data of Personal Character received by the INCUMBENT is treated with the maximum confidentiality, respecting at all times the duty of professional secret. The personal data provided in no case will be yielded to third.

The INCUMBENT has adopted the levels of security of Personal data protection legally required, and has installed all the means and technical measures to his scope to avoid the loss, bad use, alteration and unauthorised access to the Personal Data facilitated.

By means of his acceptance to the present Privacy policy, you authorises on purpose when INCUMBENT, in virtue of the article 21 of the Law 34/2002 of Services of the Information Society and of E-commerce (LSSICE) so that it remit him commercial or advertising communications relative to information or services that consider can result of his interest, through the email facilitated or of any another half electronic equivalent, without prejudice to the possibility of revocation of said permission of free form and anytime by means of the sending of a mail to the following direction

The user has right to access to the information that concerns him compiled in the files of the INCUMBENT, rectify it to be erroneous, cancel it or stand against to his treatment through an only communication written and signed (attaching copy of the DNI or identifying document equivalent) directed to the manager of the file, this is, ROSALIA AREAS TOBA, with domicile of notifications to these effects in Lugar de Lires, 5 - 15270 Cee (A Coruña). Nevertheless, the user will be able to equally exert the mentioned rights through the email address, attaching in said email copies signed of the DNI or identifying document equivalent, and establishing like subject of the email "Exercise of right ARCO".

The INCUMBENT reserves the right to modify his politics of data protection of agreement to his criterion, or owing to a legislative change, jurisprudential or in the business practice. If the INCUMBENT entered some modification, the new text will be published in this same website, where the user will be able to have knowledge of the politics of valid data protection in each moment. In any case, the relation with the users will govern by the planned norms in the precise moment in that it accesses to the website.

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